Archive for 2012

Are You Talking to the Right People? – Informational Interviewing

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Informational interviewing is a wonderful way to learn more about this pathway opening up in front of you. I ask people, “Now would you buy a thousand dollar business suite without trying it on first, to see if you like it, if it’s the right color or if it even fits?” I would guess probably not unless you have so much money that it doesn’t matter to you if you waist it. But if you are like most of us ...

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How Do You Find the Masses Who Can Help You?

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Last week I ran into someone who has been in the job market for quite a while. It was great seeing him, but I was sad to see he had not landed anything yet. He is a human resources professional and has an impressive background. I’m fully aware that as a result of all the massive layoffs that have occurred over the last two and half years, HR is one of the areas that took the hardest blows. If you have fewer people – ...

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30, 60, 90 Day Vision and Strategy

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chessNegotiating successful outcomes in the workplace can and will increase your value to an organization, but a lot of people are uncomfortable with the process and don’t try it. As a result they remain silent and continue to blend into the background. I run into people all the time that see an area in their business that could reach higher levels of performance, if only their company would embrace a new vision ...

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A Sobering Statistic: We are Losing too Many returning Vets to Suicide

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Normally when I blog it’s on strategies about career planning or the job search. But I’m compelled to share with you some insight about those who have made a sacrifice and have gone to serve you, me and this country. Veteran Affairs reported a staggering statistic, an average of 18 vets commit suicide each and every day. The University of Georgia conducted a detailed analysis from state authorities for 2004 and 2005. It found that veterans were more than twice ...

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You are Head of Your Marketing Department

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In sales and marketing, everything starts with knowing how to differentiate their product or service from all the other products or services with whom they are competing. You are no different in selling yourself.

Allow me to challenge you to begin by clearly defining, “How do I make a difference?” Keep in mind, this starts by inventory your successes. It’s a goal to have at least three, very concise and plainly stated phases that declares your unique track record of success ...

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Can You Keep Positive Energy in an Interview?

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When I sit down for the first time with a client, I’m often struck with how someone might view his or her work history. It’s not uncommon for folks to focus on the pain or frustration of their previous situation. For me, paying attention to turning these kinds of thoughts around is probably one of the most rewarding things about working with a job seeker. Negativity can be pervasive, and although we want to acknowledge the tough road they have ...

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Personal Branding; Your Important Message to Get Out There

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People ask me all the time, “How important is it to develop personal branding as they go about finding their new career?” Here’s my observation. Volvo’s advertising campaigns demonstrate they want you to invest in their cars because they are safe for you and your family, not because it is a high performance sports car. That’s their branding.

Your personal brand is your promise of value. It’s the way you differentiate yourself from your peers, your colleagues, and your competitors. It’s ...

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I know, I know. You hate that word networking

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Based on many of our conversations from last week’s High-Tech Community Resource Career Fair, there are so many folks that have real concerns about the progress of their job search. I will be blogging to offer pieces of advice on to how to advance your search for that dream career.

Tip # 1 Networking –

I know, I know … you all hate that word. Everyone harps on how important it is to network. To talk to as many people as you ...

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